Adam Marchick sat down to discuss his journey with VoiceLabs and Alpine AI and the recent acquisition by Headspace. He..
Jeff Adams has spent more than two decades in the voice industry. During that time he worked for well recognized..
Nick Schwab founded Invoked apps after building his first three Alexa skills in 2016. Within six months he had more..
Jess Williams is co-founder of Opearlo, a company that started out as a voice app agency building Alexa skills for..
Jan König is co-founder and CEO of Jovo, the maker of an open source, context-first development framework design for voice..
John Kelvie is CEO and co-founder of Bespoken which provides voice app testing, monitoring and development software. Bespoken has over..
Orbita is pioneering the use of smart speakers and voice assistants for healthcare with what it calls a conversational platform..
Shane Mac co-founded Assist five years ago along with Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens. Since then, Assist has focused on..
An aspect of voice app development that is starting to gain more attention is testing. Voicebot was first to report..
Tom Hebner is the Global Head of Innovation at Nuance Communications. He has been at the company since 1999 by..