Video games have long been an interactive experience with the rise of online multi-player games allowing players to interact with..
Alexa Skills
Conversational analytics solution Dashbot has a new feature that analyzes Alexa skill reviews. Voicebot conducted the first comprehensive analysis of..
Amazon keeps touting that there are over 25,000 Alexa skills. That is certainly true on a global basis. It is..
The fact that 11% of US households own an Echo device isn’t enough for Amazon. It also wants to take..
The ink is barely dry on the Amazon Alexa Fund’s addition of another $100 million available for venture capital investment..
Amazon announced today an expansion of monetization for third-party Alexa skill developers. Voicebot was the first to report on Amazon’s..
Updated December 2, 2017 Amazon in October launched a feature that enables Alexa to identify individuals by voice. That means..
Amazon today took another step toward enabling notifications for Alexa skills. Notifications debuted earlier this year with Amazon first using..
In a move reminiscent of Oprah, Jimmy Fallon last night gave each person attending The Tonight Show an Amazon Echo..
When the weather turns cold, dry skin can become especially problematic. Enter Eucerin’s new Alexa skill.