Chinese tech giant Xiaomi revealed a new smart display on Monday. The XiaoAI Touchscreen Pro 8, which uses the XiaoAI..
Smart Display
This story is not about stock outs of the most popular Amazon Echo products of the season. This is about..
Amazon Echo Show and Spot, both introduced in 2017, were the first smart displays. These devices integrate voice assistant based..
Discovery Inc. is expanding their culinary voice repertoire by launching an interactive cooking platform in collaboration with Amazon called Food..
A Greek tech company could beat out Amazon and Google when it comes to the voice assistant market in the..
Amazon hosted its annual product launch event today where it is showcasing new products, revisions to old products, and new..
Facebook has launched the new Portal smart displays it promised back in June. The new lineup includes an updated version..
Google Assistant announced that it will integrate across a wide range of new products at the IFA tech expo in..
The Information is reporting (N.B. paywall) that Facebook has “has approached Netflix, Disney and other media companies about putting their..
Lenovo Smart Clock is a smart display optimized for the bedside nightstand Google Assistant is the default voice assistant It..