The Information cites two sources suggesting that more than 50 million Alexa-enabled devices have been sold. This claim is substantiated..
John Kelvie is CEO and co-founder of Bespoken which provides voice app testing, monitoring and development software. Bespoken has over..
Apple introduced Siri in 2011 and my world changed. I was running Sensory back then as I am today and..
Orbita is pioneering the use of smart speakers and voice assistants for healthcare with what it calls a conversational platform..
This past week at Voice Summit AI I heard a new term: Alexa skill graveyard. The implication was that among..
Shane Mac co-founded Assist five years ago along with Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens. Since then, Assist has focused on..
Tom Hebner is the Global Head of Innovation at Nuance Communications. He has been at the company since 1999 by..
Amazon AlexaGoogle AssistantInterviewOpinionPodcastVoice AssistantVoice UXVoicebot InterviewVoicebot Podcast
Pulse Labs co-founders Abhishek Suthan (CEO) and Dylan Zwick (CPO) brought their crowdsourced voice app testing service into the first..
Rand Hindi is co-founder and CEO of He is the former CEO of Hinran, a web development agency and..
This special episode is dedicated to voice commerce trends and data. In particular we discuss the results of the recently..