Google Home is capitalizing on this with its latest update: providing access to over 5 million recipes pulled from Bon Appetite, The New York Times, Food Network and others.
Google Nest
ArticlesLast week, Mercedes-Benz announced that its 2016 and 2017 vehicle models can now be controlled by Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant through their respective devices.
Google Home can now distinguish multiple users by voice. Voicebot was among the first to recognize that Google’s promise to..
Android Headlines is reporting that a new notifications option is showing up for some Google Home users in their companion..
Gartner predicts that 75% of US households will have smart speakers like Amazon Echo or Google Home by 2020 according..
Last month we launched a page dedicated to all of the market data we have collected around Amazon Echo and..
Google Home now supports multiple users according to a notification in the app that appeared after a recent update. However,..
This week Google launched Google Home and a new mesh Wi-Fi system in the UK as Voicebot reported last week...
Amazon has received positive media coverage about its large number of Alexa skills that recently passed the 10,000 mark for the Amazon Echo.
You no longer need to ask Alexa to “enable” a skill before accessing it. The Amazon Echo and its Alexa..