Google has augmented its Android features with a collection of improvements including the ability to that can detect grammatical errors..
Google Assistant
Google Assistant users can now pay for parking through Google Pay by voice. The new feature connects the voice assistant..
Google has introduced a new free tool named Aloud for quickly dubbing videos in multiple languages. Developers at Google’s in-house..
Smart speakers powered by Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri represented a white-hot consumer device market in the 2016-2019 period. Surging..
Voice game developer Volley has acquired voice app developer, developer of the ‘Question of the Day’ trivia game, for..
Google is rolling out a new feature to boost Google Assistant’s response time by removing unused devices connected to an..
The use of general purpose voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant contracted over the past 12 months..
Google has introduced a reworked visual interface for Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text (STT) API. The new system is set up in..
Vodafone is releasing a new set of voice assistants and chatbots upgraded by Google Cloud and contact center tech developer..
📣 Helpful new Google Assistant feature alert! Want your smart display or speaker to stop talking? Just say “stop” —..