Gpt-4 Turbo Visual

OpenAI Enhances GPT-4 Turbo Model for API and ChatGPT, Including Visual Input

OpenAI is releasing an improved version of its GPT-4 Turbo large language model employed by ChatGPT and its third-party API. The new model adds updates to its knowledge base and marks the first time OpenAI has incorporated generative AI vision features into the LLM, augmenting it to understand and respond to videos and images.

GPT-4 Turbo

The GPT-4 Turbo with Vision embedded in the new model offers a streamlined way for developers to build apps that can handle both text and images with one API call. The idea is to simplify developer workflows, further enabling the creation of more streamlined and efficient applications. This move mirrors efforts by other tech giants like Google with its Gemini Pro 1.5 model, although such advanced capabilities are currently reserved for developer use.

Previously, OpenAI’s focus within ChatGPT included text, images, and audio analysis. This update extends its capabilities to video analysis, anticipating a future where ChatGPT users could upload video clips for the AI to summarize or highlight key moments, further broadening the application’s utility and appeal. OpenAI pitched the improvement as a potential boon for fashion, video games, and web design. That’s apparent in the video below, where tldraw demonstrates how its new Make Real tool transforms drawings on a digital whiteboard into a website, complete with working code, thanks to GPT-4 Turbo with Vision.

With the update, OpenAI’s model will also have somewhat more up-to-date knowledge to draw on. The information cutoff has advanced from April to December 2023. All of the upgrades available with the API will also become part of ChatGPT. Despite facing stiff competition from newer models like Claude 3 models and Google’s Gemini 1.5, which have shown superior performance in some benchmark tests, OpenAI’s latest update aims to bolster GPT-4 Turbo’s standing with new features that are especially appealing to enterprise customers. The model maintains its 128,000 token context window, allowing for comprehensive analysis equivalent to the content of a 300-page book, catering to a wide range of use cases.

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