Deepgram-Webinar-Clinton-May FI

Astronauts and Talking Computers – Deepgram’s Voice AI for NASA

Speech recognition and voice assistants aren’t just for the home, car, and enterprise call center. Voice AI technologies are also helping NASA support missions to the international space station that improve communication, training, and astronaut safety while in orbit.

Voicebot’s voice AI webinar series recently hosted Clinton May from Deepgram to talk about automated speech recognition (ASR) used by NASA to transcribe and analyze International Space Station communications to improve astronaut training and real-time support of space missions. May also reveals a new project: a medical voice bot to help astronauts while in orbit. You will be surprised about how medical support is provided to astronauts today. It is far from ideal or efficient.

GPUs for Speech Recognition and Enterprises Lessons from NASA

Deepgram’s May chronicles how poor audio quality in transmissions from space led to incidents in the past and the difficulty traditional deep learning architectures have with NASA’s core use cases. The solution tackled this problem first and applied an atypical ASR architecture to materially improve transcription accuracy. He also discusses how these technologies are applied to problems faced by terrestrial enterprises.

Finally, there is a discussion about the performance tradeoffs between traditional CPU-based natural language processing and newer techniques that leverage GPUs. This was a fun conversation with plenty of insights that apply to a wide variety of voice applications and a couple of astronaut stories that shed new light on space travel history.

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