
Adam Marchick CEO Alpine AI Discusses Headspace Acquisition – Voicebot Podcast Ep 60

Adam Marchick sat down to discuss his journey with VoiceLabs and Alpine AI and the recent acquisition by Headspace. He breaks down the three phases of VoiceLabs + Alpine (analytics, ad monetization, discovery) and why Headspace wanted to bring the company in house. We also go into Adam’s experience in engineering and VC, how his internship at Facebook influences his approach to marketing, and how his previous company, Kahuna, influenced the approach he took wth VoiceLabs. Adam earned both Computer Science and MBA degrees at Stanford.

There is a lot of insight offered by Adam in this wide-ranging conversation. He discusses how he decided to start with analytics, why ad monetization came next and how he engineered the pivot to NLU-based discovery tools with Alpine AI. We also cover some of the techniques he used to drive growth at VoiceLabs and his recommendations as a former VC about how entrepreneurs should approach networking in advance of fund raising. Spoiler alert, it’s not the advice you would expect. Some breaking news in this week’s interview and some timeless insights. Enjoy!

Show Notes – Adam Marchick Interview

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