Biometric technology startup ID R&D debuted a new version of its vocal identification engine IDVoice that takes up less than..
Google is working on a way to reduce how often people inadvertently activate Google Assistant, according to a report from..
Microsoft sent recordings made by Skype and its Cortana voice assistant to a contractor in China without any security measures,..
Nearly two-thirds of voice assistant users have mistakenly triggered their device over the course of a month, according to a..
Google Assistant has two new commands designed to improve user privacy and make people feel more comfortable with the voice..
Google has blocked Xiaomi from its Google Nest platform after reports emerged that at least one Xiaomi security camera had..
2019 has been a banner year in many ways for voice technology and voice assistants. The breadth and scope of..
Privacy and security issues associated with voice assistants have been the biggest stories in the industry so far in 2019...
More than half of smart speaker owners don’t want their voice assistant’s personalization ability to improve, according to the new..
Lasers can hijack voice assistants in some smartphones and smart speakers, according to a new study by researchers at the..