The incredible adoption of voice activated devices is driving brands to rapidly embark on a journey towards building engaging voice..
Money talks. Amazon has used the incentive of prize money to entice developers to create unique and quality Alexa skills..
Jess Williams is co-founder of Opearlo, a company that started out as a voice app agency building Alexa skills for..
Rowena Track, a global vice president at Cigna for digital and channel marketing, presented her company’s experience building the Answers..
Amazon today announced in a blog post and through Alexa Skills Kit documentation the availability of the Customer Profile API...
Storyline is a startup which developed a voice application platform that lets users build Alexa skills without any coding knowledge...
Alexa Skills Kit is now available to developers to build Alexa skills for Spain Amazon Echo smart speakers will launch..
Amazon announced yesterday in a blog post that its developer SDK Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) is now available in Italian...
Sensory announced an updated solution for voice-activated devices and mobile apps that enhances security using voice biometrics Rising concerns about..
Amazon made a quiet announcement yesterday encouraging developers to experiment with a new feature called CanFulfillIntentRequest. This promises to be..