PodcastVoice GamesVoicebot InterviewVoicebot Podcast Voice Games with Doppio, Drive.fm, Matchbox.io, and Volley – Voicebot Podcast Ep 204 Today, we talk voice-first games, other interactive audio content, and creating voice experiences for the smart speaker, smartphone, and in.. 12 Apr 2
AIGoogle AssistantNewsPrivacy Google on iOS Adds Shortcut to Delete 15 Minutes of Voice Search on Request Google for iOS just added a shortcut to delete the last 15 minutes of your voice search history. /cc @bretkinsella.. 12 Apr 4
AIHealthcareMicrosoftNewsNuance Microsoft Buys Nuance for $19.7B Microsoft has bought voice tech mainstay Nuance for about $19.7 billion. Nuance and Microsoft have been partnering on products relying.. 12 Apr 4
Opinion On Addiction: Screens vs. Voice The evidence is compelling: screens are addictive. Yes, of course, one can always say that addiction is not an inherent.. 11 Apr 7
FacebookNewsSocial Audio Facebook Scrambles to Pull Fake Clubhouse Ads Full of Malware Facebook has taken down a collection of ads about a fake PC version of Clubhouse created by scammers attempting to.. 9 Apr 2
AINewsVoice Assistant Microsoft Scores $22B Army Contract for Hololens-Based AR Smart Googles Microsoft has won a contract from the U.S. Army worth a potential $22 billion to produce enhanced versions of its.. 9 Apr 4
AINewsSocial Audio Twitter’s $4B Clubhouse Acquisition Discussions Fizzle: Report Twitter talked to Clubhouse about acquiring the social audio startup at a $4 billion valuation a few months ago, according.. 8 Apr 2
AIChatbotsNews Enterprise Conversational Messaging Startup Gupshup Raises $100M Conversational messaging startup Gupshup has raised $100 million as part of a Series F funding round from Tiger Global Management... 8 Apr 3
AINewsSynthetic MediaVirtual BeingVoice AdvertisingVoice Marketing Mark Cuban Invests in Virtual Human Startup Offbeat Media Group View this post on Instagram A post shared by VirtualHumans.org (@virtualhumansorg) Atlanta Ventures and Mark Cuban are investing.. 8 Apr 3
Amazon AlexaNewsVoice AssistantVoice Assistant Enterprise Amazon Opens Alexa Knowledge Skills for Developers to Embed Business Info Without Skill Invocation Amazon released the Alexa Knowledge Skills voice app option to developers in the U.S. on Wednesday, 16 months after it.. 7 Apr 3