
VoiceCon Live Will Reimagine Voice Conferences on Clubhouse July 29-30

The voice tech community is gathering on social audio Clubhouse July 29 and 30 to listen and converse with experts and leaders at the First International Voice Conference, also known as VoiceCon Live.

VoiceCon Live

VoiceCon Live will bring together a broad swath of mainstays and rising stars in voice and conversational AI in Clubhouse rooms for purely audio roundtable discussions and Q&A sessions with an international audience. Co-founded by Voice Den creator and host Dr. Teri Fisher and attn.live co-founder and CEO Ian Utile, VoiceCon Live is pitched as an experiment in virtual conferences and a celebration of the variety and endurance of people working in voice and AI, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Centering it on the social audio app where so many people have spent time this year reflects that, as well as opening up opportunities that in-person events can’t provide as easily.

“I’ve been spending a lot of time on Clubhouse since January meeting people and I’ve met others who had a lot of success with a conference on Clubhouse and started speaking to Ian about the possibility,” VoiceCon Live co-founder Teri Fisher told Voicebot in an interview. “the purpose is to bring as many people as possible from the voice community together. It’s not just content experts speaking to attendees, Clubhouse is good for attendees to speak to experts. Our biggest focus is on conversation, a really truly back-and-forth conversation.”

Club Together

The conference includes opening and closing keynotes. A discussion among women leaders in the voice industry will kick off the event on Thursday, while the VoiceCon Live co-founders will begin on Friday by interviewing and fielding questions for Viv Labs co-founder Adam Cheyer. Some of the other highlights of the conference include discussions on podcasting, accessibility, and third-party voice AI development, as well as an augmented reality after-party hosted by the Voice Den. The event as a whole emphasizes the idea of the voice tech community, demonstrated in several sessions, particularly the $BOT room running at 9 a.m. EST on Thursday to discuss the voice community-focused Botcoin co-created by Voicebot founder Bret Kinsella, among others.

“We in the community think Botcoin has a ton of promise but in order for it to really work we need a lot of people in voice community to use it. I see it as an investment in the community, it’s not like buying regular cryptocurrency though it is on Rally. Botcoin supporter and senior developer evangelist for Samsung Viv Labs Roger Kibbe told Voicebot in an interview. “The voice community struggles with monetization so opening up another way to think about monetization is a good thing. We’ll be talking about what Botcoin is and is why you should join our grand experiment and show support for voice creators.  I love in-person conferences, but the beauty of this conference is it has built-in audience interactivity. one of the beauties of Clubhouse is that has allowed audiences to ask more questions.”


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