Recently, the Alexa Games Skill Challenger winners for Europe were announced. There were two grand prize winners and five bonus..
Alexa Skills
Amazon today announced its list of 25 Alexa skills of the year for 2018 spread across several categories including Games,..
The “Lottery Now” voice assistant app was recently launched in the UK, and was developed by Core. The National Lottery..
Omron Healthcare announced yesterday that it is working with Amazon Alexa to offer a first-of-its-kind blood pressure skill. Those who..
Promoting Little Mix’s fifth album release was the launch of an Alexa Skill in early November, called Little Mix AAA...
Third party Alexa developers have been limited to 90-second audio streams since launch back in 2014. Recently, Amazon updated Alexa..
Castlingo is a new product launched a couple of weeks ago by Witlingo. It is positioned as the “simplest way..
Voicebot recently partnered with Witlingo to use its new Castlingo product that makes it simple to launch microcasts on Amazon Alexa and..
The Box of Cats Alexa skill currently has more user ratings than all others. A week ago, it trailed only Ambient..
Early this month Amazon rolled out some new features for Alexa and Alexa for Business customers. The Reminders API, calendar..