
$BOT Coin Fund will Support New Projects Using the Conversational AI Industry Cryptocurrency to Drive Loyalty and Monetization

$BOT Coin was launched in March as a new tool for the conversational AI industry to support loyalty, rewards, and monetization programs and well as enabling novel features such as microtransactions. It is a cryptocurrency in the social token category. That makes it a means of exchange but today it is more about affinity and binding together the creators and users of conversational experiences to establish a tighter community. $BOT Coin launch partners include many industry leaders ranging from Peter Erickson and Katherine Prescott to Michal Stanislawek, Karol Stryja, Amy Stapleton, Jan König, Dave Young, and Nick Schwab to name a few.

Shortly after launch, $BOT Coin was distributed at #VoiceLunch sessions, as recognition for contributions to the Jovo open source framework, and as a reward to industry professionals that completed a survey. There are many more of these periodic and asynchronous use cases that will emerge in the coming months. However, the next big development is likely to be continuous and synchronous use cases enabled directly in conversational experiences.

Introducing the $BOT Coin Fund

We recognize that getting started with $BOT Coin as part of a conversational experience requires the developer to have some $BOT Coin. To make this easier on developers, has created the $BOT Coin fund. We have set aside 2,000 $BOT Coin to support a variety of projects that want to incorporate $BOT Coin into a voice or chatbot user experience. At today’s value, that is over $10,000 worth of coin support available to developers selected by the program. We hope this can help some developers get their project started without incurring hard costs and serve as a bit of a reward for their efforts.

To be eligible for a $BOT Coin funding grant, please click the button below and fill out the form with your contact details and proposed conversational experience. We will review inbound proposals and make funding decisions on a rolling basis. That means the earlier you submit an idea the more likely it will be to get funded. There are no guarantees but it will increase your chances.


So, bring on your voice app, chatbot, Discord bot, and ideas for incorporating $BOT Coin for micropayments, loyalty tokens, user rewards, and other mechanics into your conversational experience.  We look forward to helping support your creation.

Introducing BOT Coin, a new tool for the voice and chatbot communities

Voice and Chatbot Creators Get Behind $BOT Coin with New Use Cases