New Webinar: Voice Assistant Adoption in the Car – Cerence CEO Sanjay Dhawan Joins Bret Kinsella to Discuss Latest Data and Trends
Voicebot is hosting a webinar next week focused on voice assistant use in the car by consumers. Joining Voicebot’s Bret Kinsella will be Sanjay Dhawan, CEO of Cerence. Kinsella and Dhawan will focus on the results of the recently published, In-car Voice Assistant Consumer Adoption Report 2020. Some of the topics that will be addressed during the webinar include:
- The total consumer reach of voice assistant use in the car and the implications for automakers
- How voice assistant use in the car differs from use on smartphones and smart speakers
- Where voice use while driving fits in the technology adoption lifecycle
- What the use cases for voice in the car say about consumer habits and preferences
- How voice assistants influence consumer car purchase preferences
- And much more…
The webinar will include data presentation, discussion, and questions from the audience. There is a 500-person limit to the webinar and it is more than half-filled as of March 18th. If you are interested in attending or in receiving a link to a recording afterward, please register through the button below.
Sign up Now for the In-Car Voice Assistant Use Webinar
- Time and Date: 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm EDT, on Wednesday, March 25, 2020