
Alexa Accelerator Interviews (Jargon, Helix AI, Presence AI) – Voicebot Podcast Ep 64

Voicebot recently traveled to Seattle to meet with some of the company founders in the 2018 cohort of the Alexa Accelerator Powered by Techstars. Three CEO and co-founders were available for interviews and we put those together in a single episode. On October 9th, these executives will present during “demo day” about their companies and progress since joining the Alexa Accelerator in July. So, those of you reading this today will get a one-day jump on the rest of the world about three of the Alexa Accelerator companies in the 2018 cohort.

Joining me on the podcast this week are Milkana Brace of Jagon, James Rhodes of HelixAI and Michele Meyer of Presence AI. Jargon is helping companies localize Alexa skills for different countries, HelixAI has a hands free enterprise solution for lab scientists and Presence AI will answer phone calls for small businesses. Presence AI positions itself at the other side of the Google Duplex conversation. It could be used to field questions from people or machines to book appointments on behalf of local businesses.

I also had the opportunity to speak with the Alexa Accelerator’s managing director, Aviel Ginzburg, about how the organization recruits new companies and how things have changed between year 1 and year 2. Ginzburg noted how much the landscape of voice industry entrepreneurial activity has evolved over the past 12 months and the founder interviews focus on internationalization of voice (Jargon) and new enterprise applications for voice (HelixAI, Presence AI).

  • 3:54 – Aviel Ginzburg, Managing Director of the Alexa Accelerator Powered by Techstars
  • 18:39 – Milkana Brace, CEO and co-founder Jargon
  • 28:30 – Jame Rhodes, CEO and co-founder HelixAI
  • 39:53 – Michele Myer, CEO and co-founder Presence AI

Show Notes – Alexa Accelerator Interviews 2018

You can listen to the podcast interview above or at any of the locations below.

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