Homie Lexy

Homie and Lexy Poke Fun at Voice Assistants and Their Human Masters

Doug Schumacher sees the humor in the daily machinations surrounding voice assistants and the rapid adoption of smart speakers. That led him to create the two-minute weekly podcast, Homie & Lexy. Each week, the podcast features an original satirical conversation between a Google Home Mini (Homie) and Amazon Echo Dot (Lexy). The smart speakers discuss industry news and the occasional absurdity of talking to computers. This week’s episode focuses on a Wired article about the Alexa prize contest and even includes a reference to Voicebot.ai. Nice move, Doug.

Voice Assistants Homie and Lexy Are a Laughing Matter

Previous Episodes have highlighted the Apple HomePod’s release, integration with a Nest security camera and Alexa’s laughing problem. There are currently eight episodes. Below is episode 1 that started off the series. You can listen to the others on SoundCloud or at the the Homie & Lexy website. Enjoy.

If HAL-9000 Was Alexa – Voice AI Humor

Amazon is Experimenting with Alexa Skill Auto-Enablement

Carrie Fisher, Watson and Some AI Humor from IBM