Voice Shopping is Monthly Habit for 11.5% of Smart Speaker Owners
When Voicebot collaborated with PullString and RAIN Agency to assess consumer adoption of smart speakers, a key focus was to understand actual use of voice commerce. In the Voicebot Smart Speaker Consumer Adoption Report, we found that 26% of U.S. smart speakers owners have made a purchase by voice. That means one in four people were comfortable shopping, placing an order and executing a monetary transaction on a screenless device.
Over 1 in 9 Make Voice Shopping by Smart Speaker a Habit
An intriguing finding was that voice shopping by smart speaker has become a monthly habit for one in nine smart speaker owners. The report found that 47.3 million U.S. adults have access to smart speakers and 11.5% claimed to use them for purchases at least monthly. That translates into 5.44 million U.S. adults using smart speakers to make purchases on a regular basis. Greg Hedges, VP of Emerging Experiences at RAIN Agency commented:
We’re witnessing all the indications that voice drives direct sales. With 26% of users acknowledging they’ve made a purchase and 11.5% suggesting that they do so monthly, brands should pay attention to these warning shots — they need to get ready to transact with consumers via voice, and more than that, to dedicate both time and resources to making sure they are present when consumers come asking for them.
Beyond smart speaker owners the idea of voice shopping does not generate as much interest. Only 16% of people who don’t own smart speakers suggested they were likely or very likely to engage in voice commerce. However, that might be a function of education. As smart speakers and voice assistant usage increases, awareness of voice shopping options should rise. It will then be up to the voice app developers and voice assistant platforms to promote the value and convenience of shopping hands free.
New Voicebot Report Says Nearly 20% of U.S. Adults Have Smart Speakers
Voice Shopping to Reach $40 Billion in U.S. and $5 Billion in UK by 2022