
Voicebot Podcast Episode 23 – Owen Brown Starbutter CTO on Monetization and Why Google and Facebook Will Win in Voice

Owen Brown is co-founder and CTO of Starbutter AI which works at the intersection of virtual assistants and financial products. Starbutter is a leading developer on both Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger. The company’s current conversational apps help consumers choose financial products such as credit cards with the best features based on their needs. This match is accomplished through a combination of voice app user experience design, a purpose-built knowledge graph of financial product offerings, and machine learning.

Starbutter’s Credit Card Helper won awards in four categories of the 2017 Actions on Google Developer Challenge and was the largest prize money winner. Learn about choosing the right solution segment with a clear path to monetization, why Starbutter believes Google and Facebook will win in voice (and Amazon will not), and how important a clear value proposition is to voice app discovery. Owen Brown’s interview offers several unique perspectives about where conversational interactions are today and where they are headed.

Show Notes – Owen Brown Interview

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