Save $50 on Amazon Echo Sale Today, Enjoy Quarter End Strategy
There is an Amazon Echo sale today and you can save $50. Amazon is frequently offering discounts for the original Echo, the Echo Dot and even the new Echo Show. The Echo has the better speaker, the Echo Dot is the low priced option at less than one-third the standard cost and the Echo Show due to ship this week has a screen. There is another call to action that says, “For One-Day Only,” on the home page to motivate purchases today. Here is add for today’s offer.

Amazon Echo Sale Offer on June 26, 2017
On June 24th and much of last week you could also get a discount on Amazon Echo. That promotion was to buy two and save $100. Yes, you got it. That is $50 discount on each. However, you had to buy two devices to get the discount. Today, you can simply buy one. Or six. The promotion will not let you purchase seven or more.

Amazon Echo Sale Offer on June 24, 2017
End of Quarter Push
Amazon is accumulating a lot of data on what motivates users to purchase devices. The company is a retailer. That makes it unique among the smart speaker manufacturers with the exception of Apple and offers an edge in understanding how merchandising can drive unit sales. That may help the company maintain its already dominant market share for some time to come.
The company ran several price promotions in the fourth quarter of 2016 shortly after Google Home was announced. It also ran promotions before product announcements by Google, Microsoft and Apple this spring. The timing of this promotion seems aligned with the end of the second quarter financial reporting period. A promotion last week attempted to motivate consumers that might purchase multiple devices. That has been followed today by a comparable discount for consumers that may only be in the market for a single device. Anything shipped this week will count for Q2 sales. It will also be included in device unit counts for the quarter, another metric that Amazon may be tracking closely.
When the Echo Show was announced for pre-order, it was slated for delivery on June 28th. That date also falls squarely within the second quarter. Amazon may not focus on quarterly figures as much as other public companies, but it doesn’t ignore these metrics either. The other reason for sustained Echo discounting could be the upcoming introduction of a new model for the 2017 holiday season. Manufacturers often offer discounts on current models to bleed off inventory prior to introducing a new model.
Will We See an Echo Dot Discount This Week?
The logical merchandising strategy for a product portfolio is to offer different discounts to motivate price sensitive buyers at different times. Buyers in the higher priced Echo category have seen two discounts in the past week. The target market for the Echo Dot had a promotion just a couple of weeks ago. It would make sense to offer buyers looking for the entry level Echo Dot a new discount this week to drive up unit sales for that model as well before quarter end. If you are in the market for an Echo, it is now at the lowest price point that has been offered. Go ahead and pull the trigger. If you are in the market for an Echo Dot, take a look again at later this week.
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