
PC Mag – Cortana Now Supports Shopping Lists

Maybe not the most anticipated AI functionality out there, but the addition of shopping lists to Cortana reinforces an obvious point. There are a few common functions that people appreciate in their voice assistants. Voice is typically a more efficient way to add items to lists than pulling out a phone and typing on a small screen. Timers, questions about spelling and math also fall into this convenience category.

Siri has had lists for years and is supported both natively in iOS and through a number of apps. The functionality can be shared on iCloud and the connected apps enable numerous types of list categories. Lists were among the first native skills enabled for Amazon’s Alexa. You can include up to 100 items on each list by voice and manage it in the companion Alexa app. In addition, you can link third-party list services to Alexa. Cortana also is enabling third party app integration and the announcement suggests that you can read and manage your lists using Wunderlist. LINK