
Why Marketers Should Take Notice of Amazon and Google Connected Home Launches

Jonathan Bacon of Marketing Week believes the recent launch of the Amazon Echo in the UK and Google’s unveiling of Google Home could signal a significant shift in how consumers interact with technology. And marketers should take notice. Gartner predicts there will be 6.4 billion things connected to the internet by the end of this year with the number reaching 20 billion by 2020. Amazon and Google are making these kinds of devices more accessible to consumers with lower price points and allowing third-parties to develop services on their respective platforms.

These connected devices will decrease the amount of time consumers spend interacting with a screen and change how brands engage with consumers.“If you think about a brand that has spent millions of pounds on digital marketing – banner adverts, apps and things like that – suddenly they are having to wrestle with a device that has no screen and no brand messaging opportunities,” said SharpEnd founder Cameron Worth. “It’s just about having short, sharp interactions with a robot.” LINK