Webinar – Virtual Humans vs Vitual Assistants

The next edition of the Voicebot Webinar Series is Virtual Humans Meet Virtual Assistants. It will feature Deepbrain AI virtual humans and real humans Joe Murphy and Felix Kim. They will run several virtual human demonstrations, discuss use cases in detail, and break down both the technology and myths behind the products. Register using the button below to attend live or access the event recording afterward.

  • Day: Wednesday, July 27
  • Time: 12 noon EDT
  • Duration: 30-minute demonstration and discussion followed by Q&A
  • Location: Zoom

The Next Pervasive AI Technology

Virtual Humans are about to become a pervasive technology. Employing a virtual human on a website or in a kiosk has already shown higher engagement, conversions, and user satisfaction. We are now past the uncanny valley and consumers are increasingly receptive to virtual human characters in media, marketing, and customer support. And, of course, there is an expectation of widespread adoption of humanlike 3D avatars in metaverse spaces.

The event is for marketers, developers, customer support, executives, and others that want to see the latest in virtual human technology as well as the use cases that are gaining reactions. A discussion and presentation segment will be followed by a live Q&A for attendees with Deepbrain’s Kim and Murphy along with Voicebot’s Bret Kinsella. Register to attend the live webinar or receive access to the recording afterward.